Articles sent to this journal will go through 2 stages of review, namely pre-review (review) and substance review.
The pre-review of the article was carried out by the editor's team to see the suitability of the article with the focus and scope of the journal as well as the style of the environment. Checking for elements of plagiarism is done through searches on Google Scholar and Grammarly. The duration of the Pre-study is between 1-2 weeks.
The substantial review is carried out by at least two best-partner partners in a single-blind manner. The duration of the review is between 3-8 weeks. If desired, the reviewer can request a review after the author has revised the article.
The decision to accept an article to be published the authority of the Editor's Chair based on recommendations from reviewers. Articles that have been declared accepted and have been layout will publish in the In Progress number in the next number before the regular number is published according to the schedule so that it can be indexed and citable immediately.
If you want to be a reviewer in the JIK journal, please complete the online application form. You must include a description of the field of interest in your research. We will register you as a reviewer and writer in JIK journal within three working days. Account information in the form of a username and password will send to your email.
Articles published in JIK journals are reviewed in advance by a Reviewer before being published. The Chief Editor decides to accept or not an article of the Editor in the meeting of the Editorial Board based on recommendations or comments from the Reviewer.
Screening Plagiarism for texts that enter this journal is carried out with the help of Google Scholar and Grammarly.