Diana Arianti



Kelahiran anak Down Syndrom di Amerika Serikat kurang lebih 4.000 anak dilahirkan setiap tahunnya. MenurutIndonesia Centre For Biodiversity dan Biotechnology (ICBB) Bogor , terdapat lebih dari 300 ribu anak pengidap Down Syndrom di Indonesia. Umumnya anak Down Syndrom usia sekolah masih mengalami keterlambatan kemampuan motorik dan kesulitan melakukan koordinasi antara mata dan tangan. Salah satu terapi yang diberikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak Down Syndrom yaitu terapi bermain meremas adonan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh terapi bermain terhadap kemampuan motorik halus anak Down Syndrom.

Jenis penelitian Pre-Eksperimental Design dengan rancanganOne Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Penelitian dilakukan di SLB YPPLB Padang tanggal 08 Mei s/d 28 Mei 2016 sebanyak 12 kali pertemuan dengan metode meremas adonan. Populasi penelitian anak Down Syndrom usia 6-12 tahun. Jumlah sampel 13 orang dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Pengolahan data secara komputerisasi dengan uji wilcoxon.

Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata kemampuan motorik halus sebelum diberikan terapi bermain 5,08 dan sesudah diberikan terapi bermain 12,46. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai P= 0,002, dimana terdapat pengaruh terapi bermain terhadap kemampuan motorik halus anak Down Syndrom.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan instansi pendidikan untuk lebih mengupayakan sarana alat-alat terapi bermain, latihan terus menerus 3 kali dalam seminggu selama ± 15 menit untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak Down Syndrom dan pemberdayaan keluarga untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak Down Syndrom dengan latihan terapi bermain dirumah.

Kata Kunci, Terapi Bermain, Kemampuan Motorik Halus, Down Syndrom,




Down Syndrome births is approximately 4000 children each year in the United States. According to the Indonesia Centre for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB) Bogor, there are more than 300 thousand children with Down Syndrome in Indonesia. Generally, there are still tardiness in motor skill and coordination difficulty between the eyes and the hand in school-age children with Down Syndrome. One of the therapies that can be given to improve the fine motor skill of Down Syndrome children is the play therapy of kneading dough. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of the play therapy to the fine motor skill of Down Syndrome children.

The kind of this research is Pre-Experimental Design with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This research is carried out in SLB YPPLB Padang on May 8th – 28th, 2016 with 12 meetings with the method of kneading dough. The research population of Down Syndrome children aged 6 - 12 years. There are 13 people as the sample using saturated sampling technique. The data processing is computerized using Wilcoxon test.

The result of the research shows that the average of the fine motor skill before the play therapy is 5.08 and after the play therapy is 12.46. The result of statistic test obtains the value of P = 0.002, which shows that there is effect of the play therapy to the fine motor skill of Down Syndrome children.

According to the result of this research, it can be suggested for the educational institution to further develop the play therapy tools, continuous exercise three times a week for approximately 15 minutes to improve the fine motor skill of Down Syndrome children and empowering family to improve the fine motor skill of Down Syndrome children by the play therapy at home.

Keywords: The Play Therapy, Fine Motor Skill, Down Syndrome.

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